Sync Files
This feature, when enabled, mutually synchronizes the Filter and other commands such as Zoom-In and Zoom-Out between the Source and the Destination .wav files. This feature is useful for selective filtering or viewing of a portion of a .wav file. For example, if you run a particular filter, and then find a sector (or sectors) that need further filtering, you can highlight only the portion that needs the additional processing, and apply the filter accordingly. Sync mode will also accommodate different filters being applied to different sectors. Also, when enabled, highlighting and Zooming-In on a particular area of a source file will correspondingly Zoom-In on the same timing co-ordinates in the Destination file. The converse is also true such that Zooming-In on particular set of co-ordinates in a Destination file will also cause the Source file to contain the same Zoom-In co-ordinates. This feature is of particular use when you want to visualize how a particular filter may have modified a waveform from your Source file. Clicking on it with your mouse enables this feature via the Sync Files icon or via the View Menu. When it is active, a check mark will appear to the left of it in the View Menu.
Note: The Sync Files function is only useful in Classic Editing Mode.
To use Sync Mode to apply selective filtering to a .wav file, it is first necessary to create a Destination file from your Source file. This can be done through the normal processing procedure of any of the filters, or it can be accomplished with one of the file conversion options such as Mono-to-Mono or Stereo-to-Stereo. Thereafter, merely highlight the portion of the Source file that needs filtering, click on the appropriate filter, select the appropriate filter values and run the filter. Only the highlighted sector of the two files will be enacted upon by the filter, with the results appearing in the Destination file. If another filter (or the same filter that you had just been working with) is then required to be applied to another portion of the .wav file, just repeat the outlined process.
Non-Sync mode of operation
In non-sync mode, the highlighted section of the source file is read and processed by the filter. The processed section is then written to the destination file starting at the beginning of the file. If a destination file already exists, it will be overwritten (a prompt warns you of this). This mode is useful when only a section of the source file needs to be extracted, or for testing a filter's settings before processing an entire file.
Selective Filtering with Sync Mode (Tutorial)
Note: The Sync Files function is only useful in Classic Editing Mode.
To use Sync Mode to apply selective filtering to a .wav file, it is first necessary to create a Destination file from your Source file. This can be done through the normal processing procedure of any of the filters, or it can be accomplished with one of the file conversion options such as Mono-to-Mono or Stereo-to-Stereo. Thereafter, merely highlight the portion of the Source file that needs filtering, click on the appropriate filter, select the appropriate filter values and run the filter. Only the highlighted sector of the two files will be enacted upon by the filter, with the results appearing in the Destination file. If another filter (or the same filter that you had just been working with) is then required to be applied to another portion of the .wav file, just repeat the outlined process.
Non-Sync mode of operation
In non-sync mode, the highlighted section of the source file is read and processed by the filter. The processed section is then written to the destination file starting at the beginning of the file. If a destination file already exists, it will be overwritten (a prompt warns you of this). This mode is useful when only a section of the source file needs to be extracted, or for testing a filter's settings before processing an entire file.
Selective Filtering with Sync Mode (Tutorial)
- Open the desired Source .wav file.
- From the Source .wav file, create a Destination .wav file utilizing the Clone Source (File Menu) or one of the File Conversion alternatives or one of the DCArt10/DC Forensics10 Filters.
- Activate Sync Mode by clicking on it in the View Menu. A check mark will show that it’s active.
- Highlight the portion of your Source .wav file that needs Selective Filtering.
- Left click on the "Filter” or “Effect” menu.
- Left click on the filter or effect that you desire to run on the selected portion of your Source .wav file.
- Adjust the filter/effect parameters accordingly utilizing "Preview” mode if necessary to get the parameters to sound appropriate to your taste.
- Click on "Run Filter".
- The highlighted portion of the Source .wav file will be processed and inserted into the same time-slot in the Destination Workspace. The rest of the Destination file will remain as it had been.
- If further selective filtering is required on a different portion of the Source .wav file, repeat steps 4 through 9 until you are satisfied.